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3500 Summon
4000 Convince
heals himself, invisible, summons Stone Golems, paralyze
uses magic (Explosion, Great energy beam, Fire fields)
Learn the secret of our magic! YOUR death!, We don't like intruders!, Even a rat is a better mage than you!
Poison Dagger (), Skull Staff (), Blue Robe (), Golden Armor (), Crystal Ring (), Energy Ring (), Ring of the sky (), Stone Skin Amulet (), Inkwell (), Mind Stone (), Talon (), Small Sapphire (), Red Tome (), Bread (), 0-5 Cherry (), Dark Mushroom (), Piggy Bank (), Candlestick (), 0-4 Assassin Star (), Great Health Potion (), Great Mana Potion (), Lightning Robe (), Luminous Orb (), 0-150 gold,
Warlocks are among the most powerful magicians of Tibia, but they do their research not for the benefit of mankind but only for their own interests. Nobody, however, knows what their plans are, hiding deep in the dungeons of Tibia and attacking and killing every intruder of their sphere, so that hardly any information about them can permeate.
Of course, Warlocks know a lot of fighting spells. They can shoot fire and energy in various forms, summon stone golems as vassals, paralyze their victims and drain mana off them. Moreover, they know how to heal themselves and how to make themselves invisible.
Demona, Ghostland (Banshee Quest Area), Hero Cave, Oasis Tomb, Kharos.
By many Warlocks are regarded as hardest monsters in game. They lack sheer destructive power of demons however they use much more sophisticated tactics like turning invisible and running away which makes it nearly impossible to aim runes at them while they spam their powerful magic at our direction. Only way to defeat warlock is to force him in to the corner where he can't run no more and kill it with Sudden Death runes.