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185 Summon
90 Convince 445
Battle Hammer (), Plate Shield (), Tortoise Shield (), Fish (), Turtle Shell (), 0-2 Tortoise Egg (), 0-30 gold
In the past, the once peaceful Tortoise of the Shattered Isles has been hunted by sailors and settlers until it was almost eradicated. It is disputed whether the Tortoise has learnt at last to defend itself or, as some members of the explorer's society claim, some kind of natural selection has set in that left only the meanest and most aggressive Tortoises. Be it as it may, nowadays the island Tortoises are quite capable to defend themselves. Heavy natural armor and a strong jaw make up for their slowness to some extent. Still their slowness is their major weakness and it is probably only a matter of time until humans rout them out in their last refuges on the isles.
Laguna Islands, Port Hope. Znajdują się także pod ziemią w centrum Liberty Bay za ścianą, lecz nie można się do nich dostać.