115 |
Summon |
110 |
Convince |
healing himself |
using magic skills |
Huumans stinkk!, Grak brrretz gulu |
Staff (),
Chain Armor (),
Chain Helmet (),
Wand of Decay (),
Spear (),
0-2 Corncob (),
Torch (),
Bag (),
Orc Tooth (),
Broken Shamanic Staffc (),
Orc Leather (),
Shamanic Hood (),
0-5 gp, Dead Snake, Book (Grey Journal)
Orc Shamans are the magicians among the orcs. They support the other troops during a fight. They can shoot fireballs and magic missiles. They even summon snakes to set them on their enemies. Moreover, they can heal themselves. |
Edron Orc Cave, Hero Caves i w Warlock Room (Hero Cave), pod Point of No Return w Outlaw Camp, Orc Cave na wschód od Venore, Maze of Lost Souls, Orc Fort, na północny zachód od Thais w wierzy z War Wolf, Elvenbane Middle Tower, na południe PoH Temple (2 spawny z wieloma innymi orkami). |
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