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Minotaur Mage

155 Summon
150 Convince
fights with magic [energy missiles, explosion, energy field]
"Learrn tha secrret uf deathhh!", "Kaplar!"
Combat Knife (), Brass Armor (), Leather Legs (), Chain Legs (), Leather Helmet (), Wand of Cosmic Energy (), Mana potion (), 0-12 Carrot (), Minotaur Leather (), 0-2 Torch (), Bag (), Taurus Mace (), 0-2 Minotaur Horn (), Purple Robe (), 0-45 gp, Dead Snake
Minotaur Mages are the elite of the minotaurs' army. With their magic they support the other troops in a fight. They can create energy fields and shoot fireballs or magic missiles. As they are weak shortrange fighters, guards will protect them while they operate from the second row.
Cyclopolis, Mintwallin, Maze of Lost Souls, Darama piramida minotaurów, Folda ukryta nora, Kazordoon wieża minotaurów, Plains of Havoc, południe od Outlaw Camp, Elvenbane, wschód od Dwarf Bridge, Rookgaard Mino Hell