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6000 Summon
4000 Convince
I had Princess Lumelia as breakfast, Naaa-Nana-Naaa-Naaa!, My brother will come and get you for this!, Get them Fluffy!, He He He, Pftt, Ferumbras such an upstart., My dragon is not that old, it's just second hand., My other dragon is a red one., When I am big I want to become the ruthless eighth., Muahaha!, WHERE'S FLUFFY?.
Fire Axe (), Crown Legs (), Golden Legs (), Demon Helmet (), Guardian Shield (), Demon Shield (), Pitchfork (), Small Amethyst (), Tempest Shield (), Death Ring (), Demonic Essence (), Soul Orb (), Demonbone Amulet (), Surprise Bag (Red) (), Surprise Bag (Blue) (), 0-100 gold
Na północ od Darashi podczas najazdu demonów.