650 |
Summon |
580 |
Convince |
I hope its not too cold for you! HeHeHe, So you think you are cool? |
Clerical Mace (),
Mystic Turban (),
Hailstorm Rod (),
Green Mushroom (),
Bag (),
Diamond Sceptre (),
Crystal Sword (),
Shard (),
Earmuffs (),
Glacier Shoes (),
Strong Mana Potion (),
Glacier Kilt (),
Ice Cube (),
0-90 gp
Ice Witches are fallen shamans who raised from the ranks of the raiders and learned their arts by their head shaman. They rely on some strange kind of substance or drug to maintain their powers over ice and cold. Several of them serve the raider tribes with their magic, others are on missions for their sinister leader and can be encountered almost everywhere in the North. Again others became renegades and work only for their own agenda. Those renegade witches are even more hostile and dangerous. Ice Witches make use of icy variants of known spells and are schooled in the basics of shamanism and nature magic. This strange blend of sorcery and animism hints that they have been influenced by both magical schools in some way. It is speculated that a sorcerer might have tried to 'convert' shamans to the conventional ways of teachings and shared some wisdom with them. |
Krimhorn Fortress, na południe od raider camp (barbarian camp tower), jaskinie wokół Hrodmir ('camps' area), Formorgar Glacier najgłębsze kopalnie, Magician Quarter w Yalahar. |