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110 Summon 390
60 Convince 390
close combat, distance
Your head shall be mine!, Your head will be mine!, Yeeee Ha!
Dagger (), Sabre (), Leather Armor (), Studded Shield (), Crystal Necklace (), Small Ruby (), Brown Bread (), Torch (), 0-2 Skull (), Girlish Hair Decoration (), Protective Charm (), 0-20 gold
Amazons are communities of martial women who have erected some hideouts in the swamps in the east of Tibia. They attack every intruder of their sphere vigorously and cut off the heads of their victims in order to keep them as some kind of trophies. They are not only quite strong in close combat but are also able to throw knives with deadly precision.
Amazon Camp na północ od Venore, Amazonia na północ od Carlin, na wschód Carlin, na zachód Venore, Oasis Tomb w Ankrahmun, południowo-wschodnie Laguna Islands.
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