Fire axes where made by demons for their fire minions. They often fight with them too. This axe spreads a little shine and issues pleasant heat. Lots of scientists tried to find out which metal is this axe made of, but every trials failed. Is it caused by evil might or maybe by secret attributes of this metal? Nobody know it... Amongst commonalty it is took on that it is made of magma.
10 oz. ~ 2000 gp. |
Zugurosh (),
Orshabaal (),
Morgaroth (),
Ghazbaran (),
Demon (),
Ferumbras (),
Latrivan (),
Ushuriel (),
Annihilon (),
Golgordan (),
The Imperor (),
Minishabaal (),
Mahrdis (),
Przedmiot dostępny z:
- Fire Axe quest
Przedmiot dostępny z:
- Fire Axe quest