1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
11:21 Galor Medor [16]: a jaki quest moge wykonac knajtem na 16lvl
11:21 Lily Lady [200]: idk
11:21 Galor Medor [16]: a gdzie on jest
23:33 Ceaseless Rage [205]: how about 2012
23:33 Blexz [38]: hm
23:33 Blexz [38]: okay
23:33 Super Sailor Moon [8]: 2012 aint going to happen its all lies
23:33 Ceaseless Rage [205]: 2 yrs of playing left
23:33 Ceaseless Rage [205]: gotta make some incomniacs
23:33 Mystical-Dragoon [178]: :p
23:34 Super Sailor Moon [8]: only way 2012 will happen is if a meteor hits us
23:34 Mystical-Dragoon [178]: my mom is a salty vegetable
23:34 Super Sailor Moon [8]: or a solar emp
23:34 Blexz [38]: in the future probally a meteor is going to hit us
23:34 Blexz [38]: T_T
23:34 Ceaseless Rage [205]: or orshabaal spawns in new york
10:00 Lord-Mutikax [142]: nie znam sie na kierunkach
10:00 Trayne [68]: lmao
10:01 Lord-Mutikax [142]: ja zawsze sobie tlumacze \/siedzi <wrona /\na>ekranie
10:01 Lord-Mutikax [142]: hehe
10:01 Lord-Mutikax [142]: i pierwsze litery biore
21:12 XXX [2]: jaki jest exp na rl tibii?
21:12 YYY [136]: x1
21:13 XXX [2]: a na innych serverach?
21:13 YYY [136]: taki sam
21:13 XXX [2]: po co im tyle serverów skoro taki sam exp ;/
21:14 YYY [136]: czym mnie jeszcze godowie Tibii skażecie... ;(
15:07 Alex De'Caro [85]: co to znaczy hetero ?
21:55 Brahmmer [92]: Help in green djin quest!
21:55 Milk of Dark [60]: i can give you one potion
21:55 Milk of Dark [60]: ;)
21:55 Zooberino [128]: i can give you a piece of advice
21:55 Zooberino [128]: don't eat the yellow snow
19:57 Ceaseless Rage [103]: sokall gdzie idziesz na sylwka?
19:57 Sokall [136]: mary chyba
Trade na guardii ;)
20:29 Katci [47]: kto zrobi mi zadaniez matmy dam 50k
18:14 Kupter [3]: co mozna zrobic z prezentem?
18:14 Lenris [6]: dac komus??
06:00 Agent Scully [44]: buy plate boots
06:00 Cry Creature [18]: Nie ma takich bootow... :]
06:00 Agent Scully [44]: niee?? :o
06:00 Agent Scully [44]: buy crown boots
13:01 Dramur dagus [42]: lol ale resp xD 3 vampy na dole
13:01 Nolton [109]: ;p
13:02 Dramur dagus [41]: juz czysto -.-
13:02 Nolton [109]: hahahaahahaha
13:43 Szu the Sorcerer [25]: KÓPIE SKURE WIELBUONDA !!!
21:00 Tija Almavera [75]: swiat juz jest moj!:P
21:00 Tija Almavera [75]: tylko o tym nie wie...
19:51 Xealdo [145]: Well mate, i will just take a smoke
19:51 Semi Dragon [139]: smoke killing
19:55 Xealdo [145]: Not if i stand i pz >.<
11:06 Poa Sit Kar [9]: plz dac kase
11:07 Bragon Ball [295]: br? im not rozmawiac polski
18:03 Royal Kudlaty [60]: na polnoc
18:03 Lukarex [40]: --------->
18:04 Lukarex [40]: ?
Game Chat.
21:35 Aloehy de Rookmaster [25]: What kind of bot you use, Gala?
21:35 Gala Ebbedron [103]: ng -.-
21:36 Shapery [37]: LOL!
21:36 Gala Ebbedron [103]: NC* LOL!!
10:55 Artanisek [86]: ona jest teraz na obozie sportowym i napisala do mnie
10:56 Artanisek [86]: a nie chce mi sie z nia teraz ani troche pisac
10:56 Resoviak [79]: xD
10:56 Artanisek [86]: a na drugi dzien pewnie sam chetnie napisze
10:56 Artanisek [86]: xd
10:56 Resoviak [79]: w zyciu wazne sa priorytety
10:56 Resoviak [79]: najpierw tibia pozniej kobiety
21:45 Oten Bara [20]: NEED TIME TO DESERT QUEST