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Great Energy Beam

incantation Exevo Gran Vis Lux 110
The Energy Beam continues to be a favourite among sorcerers. For this reason, a lot of research has gone into the spell to make it even more effective. The Great Energy Beam was the result of these endeavours. It is very similar to the original spell in appearance and in the way it is used, but its effect has been greatly improved. Of course, better performance comes with a price: The mana cost of the Great Energy Beam spell is considerably higher than that of its lesser relative.
Carlin Lea 1800
Kazordoon Etzel 1800
Thais Muriel 1800
Venore Chatterbone 1800
Darashia Shalmar 1800
Edron Gundralph 1800
Port Hope Myra 1800
Yalahar Tamoril 1800
Liberty Bay Malunga 1800
Ankrahmun Tothdral 1800